Collaborate Ultra - Adding Collaborate to Your Course

If your course does not already have Blackboard Collaborate available in the course menu, you can add it.

Add Collaborate to the Course Menu

  1. In your course, with edit mode turned to “on”, select the “Add Menu Item” icon (it looks like a plus symbol) in the upper left of the main course menu.



2. Select “Tool Link”.


3. Select “Blackboard Collaborate Ultra” from the drop down “Type” menu. You should name the link “Blackboard Collaborate” to ensure consistency in the student experience across courses. Be sure to check the box “Available to Users” so that students will be able to see it. Select “Submit” to save and add your menu item.


If “Blackboard Collaborate Ultra” is not an option in the drop down “Type” menu in step 3, reach out to for assistance.


©2019 University of St. Augustine for the Health Sciences