Collaborate Ultra - Recording Sessions

Recording Sessions

  1. In your course, open Collaborate and select the session you want to start. If Collaborate Ultra is not enabled in your course or you are unable to find it, reach out to to have it enabled.


2. Select ‘Join session.’


3. Click on ‘Open session menu’ in the upper left corner of the session and then select “Start Recording”.



4. A notification will appear that the recording has started.


5. To Stop the recording select ‘Open session menu’ again and then select ‘Stop Recording’. A notification will appear that the recording has stopped.

Accessing Recorded Sessions

The recorded sessions will be available to view from the Collaborate Ultra area in your course.

  1. On the Collaborate course page, select the Collaborate menu.

2. Then select “Recordings”

The recorded sessions for this course will be listed here.

3. Select the Recording options menu for a particular recording to watch the recording, change the name, copy a link to the recording, or delete the recording.

Faculty and students will only be able to download session recordings if the “Allow Recording Downloads” option is checked in the session settings area. For more information about session settings, view the tutorial.


©2019 University of St. Augustine for the Health Sciences