Send Email through Blackboard

With the send email tool, you can send email messages from your course to course members' university email accounts without having to leave the course. You can send emails to individual users or to groups of users. This is useful for faculty who need to email all students or specific groups in a specific course.

Email is a send-only tool. You don't receive emails in Blackboard Learn.

The send email tool is for faculty only in most courses. To enable this tool for students you can add it to the main course menu yourself (Add Tool > Send Email) or reach out to

To access the email tool go to the faculty only course management menu (below the main course menu) and select ‘Course Tools’, then ‘Send Email’.

Select to send an email to all users or specific collections of users. To send an email to just one student or a few specific students, use the “Single / Select Users” option.

On the Select Users or Select Groups page, select the recipients in the Available to Select box and select the right-pointing arrow to move them into the Selected box. Use the left arrow to move a user out of the recipient list. 


Type your Subject and Message. You can also attach files.

Select ‘Submit’ to send your email message. Students will receive the email in their university email inbox.



*Source: Blackboard Help - Email. Retrieved from

©2019 University of St. Augustine for the Health Sciences