Keep Teaching Guide (Home)

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The USAHS Keep Teaching guide has been designed to support faculty in the transition of all instruction, including lab sessions and exams, where applicable, to a virtual format. Support, resources, and technology assistance is being provided by Faculty Development, the Digital Learning Team, the Centers for Innovative Clinical Practice, and Information Technology. 

This guide is intended to support instructors to teach using innovative and creative strategies for online engagement. 

Download our 2020 Quick Reference Guide for Keep Teaching Resources.

This guide will be continually updated.  Please check back daily for content and resource updates.  

Keep Teaching Checklist

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Create Teaching Plan

Course Coordinators should set up a meeting to discuss instructional plan with Course Teams. Be sure to include and communicate with all team members and any Contributing Faculty. A Course Plan for Continuity should be completed for all course sections, preferably by the Lead Faculty member. This information will be populated into the Course Plan for Continuity. This plan will be submitted to your Program Director. 

The Program Director must approve any proposals to substitute f2f lab hours or practical exams with online alternatives, in order to ensure compliance with course consistency policies, accrediting standards, and other university procedures. However, you should not wait for approval of the entire plan to immediately actively engage with your students online. The only aspect of this plan that requires consultation and approval is the substitution of lab hours or practicals with a virtual plan.

Review and bookmark the Keep Teaching Guide. This site will be continuously updated, so bookmark it and check back frequently. 
Consult with your Program Director to determine whether any lab hours and outcomes can be achieved using a combination of recorded and/or live video strategies. Be sure to carefully consider the CAPTE and ACOTE guidelines, available from your Program Director.
Consult with your Program Director to determine whether practical exam(s) can be given virtually via Collaborate or RingCentral. Again, be sure to consider CAPTE and ACOTE guidelines.
Meet with the Course Team to discuss continuity plan, and who will do what during the period of online instruction. Be sure to include all team members, including Lab Instructors and Contributing Faculty.
For lab session topics, develop a plan to record instructional material for students to view asynchronously. Even if lab will require f2f make-up sessions, during the alternative instruction period, content (e.g., video, discussion, Bb Collaborate sessions) should be provided to students to maintain continuity of instruction. Refer to the Keep Teaching Guide for available resources for video recording.
Develop a plan for any new course materials, such as readings, assignments, or at-home practice lab exercises to be added to the Blackboard Course.
Develop a plan for synchronous meetings with students. Live sessions can be conducted via RingCentral or Blackboard Collaborate from a campus classroom, CICP, or other setting. Consider the student experience, ability for large groups to meaningfully engage, as well as viewability of content.
Ensure that the Course Team has a plan for monitoring and student engagement in the Blackboard course. Highly proactive communication and interaction with students online is critical during this time.
For test security, faculty are advised to move written exams into Blackboard and utilize ProctorU for remote proctoring. Instructions and support are available in the Keep Teaching Guide.
Identify and document the number of required make-up lab hours and practicals for the course. Document this and discuss with your Program Director. Once we return to normal operations, these hours will need to be rescheduled, and this will require that we have as much information as possible to effectively coordinate make-up scheduling with academic departments and administration.

Develop a Student Communication Plan and Organize Blackboard Course

Ensure that the Bb course is tightly organized and clear, as this will be students’ lifeline to instruction. If you have questions about the master course content or need help with course organization, email

Update and/or revise course schedule. Ensure that all assignments, due dates, and the grading schema for the course are accurate and updated.
Assemble and insert any new course materials.
Confirm that assessment submission links are visible to students, and contain correct instructions, due dates, and grading values.
Ensure that assessment points/percentages and grade weighting are consistent throughout (the Syllabus, the assignment submission areas, Discussion Board, and the Gradebook).
Confirm that the settings for exams and quizzes are correct. For summative exams, nothing should be selected under “feedback option” to ensure exam integrity.
Ensure that Gradebook is aligned with course assignments.
Create informative announcements for students.
Enhance the Discussion Board as a place for interaction and collaboration. Consider adding new forums to provide opportunities for interaction for students.
Schedule Collaborate or RingCentral sessions to answer student questions.

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©2019 University of St. Augustine for the Health Sciences