SafeAssign DirectSubmit

SafeAssign is a fully integrated plagiarism detection service by Blackboard, Inc. It compares submitted assignments against multiple databases of source material to identify areas of overlap between the submitted assignment and existing works.

SafeAssign is currently only compatible with submission type assignments and is not available for Discussion, Blog, or Journal assignments. However, SafeAssign DirectSubmit allows instructors to submit student work or specific portions of student work to SafeAssign directly. Using SafeAssign DirectSubmit, faculty can run some or all of a student’s Discussion, Blog, or Journal assignment through SafeAssign to check for citation issues and potential plagiarism.

Submitting to SafeAssign DirectSubmit

  1. Navigate to the Course Management menu (faculty-only menu directly below the main course menu) and select Course Tools > SafeAssign.

  2. Select the “DirectSubmit” option. If you do not see the “DirectSubmit” option, reach out to for assistance.

  3. On the DirectSubmit page, you can either choose “Private” or “Shared” Direct Submit. If you select private, only you will be able to see these submissions and the Originality reports for them. If you select shared, all course instructors will be able to view them. Once you’ve selected “Private” or “Shared”, select “Submit Paper”.


  4. Under “Submission Options” select “Submit as draft” if you do not want to store the paper or text snippet in the TII database.

  5. Under “File Upload”, you can either submit the work as a file, or you can copy/paste the text of the work into the “Copy/Paste Document” area. Then select “Submit” when you are ready.

You should always choose the “Submit as draft” option if the student may be resubmitting the work you are checking, as with a draft or the individual portion of a group project. This way the student will not receive a false 100% match later against their own original work.


Accessing DirectSubmit Originality Reports

It may take a few minutes for the SafeAssign Originality report to appear. You can navigate away from the SafeAssign page and return later or you can submit another paper while you wait. When the report is ready, you will see a score and a link to the full report in the SafeAssign DirectSubmit area. Select the icon under “SA Report” to view the full report.


©2019 University of St. Augustine for the Health Sciences