Suggestions for Students Unable to Meet Respondus Requirements

Students must have access to a Windows 7+ or Mac OS 10.10+ computer to install Respondus Lockdown browser. In order to use Respondus Monitor, they must also have a working webcam and microphone.

If a student is unable to meet these requirements, it is at the discretion of the faculty member to work with the student to develop and alternate testing situation. Some suggestions:

  • Borrow a Computer: If the student is able, he/she may borrow a compatible computer from a friend or family member.

  • Faculty Proctor: The instructor may schedule an alternate testing time for the student when the student can use their normal computer and browser. In this situation the instructor would provide the student with a special password to bypass Lockdown browser and then live proctor the exam him/herself using a video conferencing app such as Ring Central. This is useful for students who do not have access to a compatible computer, do not have a working webcam, or who may need special accommodations.

    • If you have questions about how to effectively live proctor an exam remotely, please reach out to Faculty Development.

  • If the student has access to an iPad (iOS 11+), the instructor may authorize the use of iPads for the exam for that student. Due to known issues with Blackboard question presentation on mobile devices and tablets, it is NOT recommended that students use an iPad to take an exam unless the student has no other option.


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