Instructional Video Support: Digital Learning and CICP/Simulation Teams

In order to maintain the quality of online course media for student learning, all faculty-recorded video should be done on campus. This will ensure that the audiovisual quality of video is of high quality, and that the setting/backdrop for video is appropriate to the lab setting. The USAHS Digital Learning team will assist and support faculty in the creation of Instructional video (such as voice over PowerPoints, pre-recorded video lecture, technique demonstrations, etc.) in on-campus settings, such as labs, CICPs, and Digital Media Production Studios using the green screen and studio features. See Digital Media Examples for samples of the types of media that the team can assist with, as well as studio features and capabilities. Keep in mind that in a time of crisis with a short turnaround time, extensive post production is not possible. However, the team will create basic excellent quality media quickly to support online instruction. 

Please visit the Keep Teaching Showcase blog to learn more about how your peers are engaging students in a virtual environment using innovative strategies and technologies. Share ideas and comment on what your faculty peers are doing across campuses. Submit your own images, links, and instructional examples to so we can showcase the creative and impactful approaches you are implementing! Check back often, as this is a dynamic, evolving collection fueled by our talented teaching faculty and support staff.

Other examples of demonstration videos that the team has done during this time, include:

If you see a video that you would like to use in your course, please email and the team can embed the video in your course. All of the course media that is being created is reusable across our university network.

Beginning on Monday, March 23, 2020, the USAHS Digital Media Production Studios and CICPs will move from “open recording” to by appointment. Please pre-schedule a recording session by filling out the USAHS Digital Media Scheduling Form. A member of the Digital Learning and Innovation team will reach out to you as soon as possible schedule your session and make plans for the recording. If recording for the next day, please be sure to schedule by at least 6pm local time so that your campus Digital Media Designer or Clinical Simulation Specialist can plan to meet you on campus.

You can use the USAHS Digital Media Scheduling Form also to schedule CICP sessions or reach out to your campus Clinical Simulation Specialist. The CICP Team can support faculty with virtual simulation experiences, such as recording and live streaming video content to remote students. Staff can assist faculty in searching and selecting digital simulation media from the SimulationIQ case and video library. Please visit the PT Simulation Video Playlist and the OT Simulation Video Playlist to view which courses have already created videos. CICP staff can help you put this media in Kaltura so it is easily accessible to students in your Blackboard course.

Note that the Digital Media and the CICP teams will also accommodate scheduling recording sessions outside regular business hours under special circumstances.

A listing of the Digital Media Designer and CICP staff is available on the Campus Instructional Support Contacts page.

Self-Recording Online Video Content

Faculty can also utilize Kaltura to self-record and embed simple lecture video content into their courses, such as intros, announcements and longer lectures with PowerPoint voiceover. Lab demonstrations can be recorded on campus and will be supported by the Digital Learning Team.

Review our Quick Guide for Effective Online Lectures:

While recording Kaltura videos, consider the following strategies:   

  • Write and use a script (preferably digital, for closed-captioning later) to help organize your thoughts. Practice reading the script multiple times before recording.

  • Use a quiet room with the door closed and phone/alerts turned off.

  • Try to keep the lens at eye-level and looking into it while recording.

  • Maintain a consistent distance from the lens throughout the recording. 

  • Use conversational language and examples.

  • Use quality images, complying with copyright guidelines.

  • Keep students engaged: fluctuate your voice and inflect on key details.

  • Show excitement, both in your voice and actions to spark excitement. 

  • Be conscious of using contrasting backgrounds or any flashy/jumpy transitions for users with visual problems.

  • Record a short test video to assess the recording quality. 

  • It is recommended that videos be shorter than six (6) minutes in length. For longer videos, consider chunking/segmenting.   

  • Use an external microphone to improve the audio quality (desktop microphones can cause feedback and extra audio issues). If you do not have a microphone, please reach out to

  • Be aware of sounds like loud typing, shuffling papers or even tapping the table, during the recording.

  • Close applications running in the background of your computer.

Captioning Video Content

All online video or audio content used in a course should be produced and delivered in ways that ensure all members of the audience can access the content. An accessible video or audio file (or web link) should include captions and/or a transcript, as appropriate. 

Captions are synchronized text versions of auditory content in a video. Captioning is primarily intended for those who cannot hear the audio. It has, however, also helped those who may not be fluent in the language. Transcripts provide a textual version of auditory content. Transcripts allow anyone that cannot access content from audio or video to read a text version instead. Transcripts primarily allow both hearing and/or visually impaired users to access content. For most video content (that does not require audio to be in sync), a text transcript should suffice.

Our policy is to provide students with closed captions for all video content and provide a transcript for all audio content. The Digital Learning Team will assist faculty with this process. Request closed-captions or a transcript.

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©2019 University of St. Augustine for the Health Sciences