Importing a Course Package

This tutorial covers how to import a Blackboard course package. Faculty teaching older courses which do not yet have a Master Course will need to export their course from last term and import it into the blank course for the new term.

If you are unsure whether your course has a master or not, please reach out to or your program director for clarification.

Importing a Blackboard Course Package

You can only import Blackboard Course Packages. To create a course package, you will need to first export a Blackboard course. For more information on exporting a course see:

  1. Go to the Course Management menu at the bottom of your course. You must be an instructor or lead instructor to view this menu.

  2. Open the Packages and Utilities drop down and then select Import Package / View Logs


3. On the next screen, in the section Select a Package, select the Browse My Computer button and then select the previously exported course package from your local computer.

Note: You can only import Blackboard Course Packages with this option. If you are trying to import a package created by another Learning Management System or tool, please contact for assistance.


4. In the Select Course Materials section:

a. First choose “Select All”

b. Then UNSELECT the “Announcements” box and change the Discussion Board option to “Include only the forums with no starter posts”.

It is important you change these options. If you do not, your announcements from the last term and all of the student posts in the discussion board will be carried forward and will have to be manually deleted. The screenshot below is an example of how your screen should look.

5. Once you are ready, click “Submit” to import the package. Depending on the size of the course, it may take a while to import. In some cases it could take up to an hour. This is especially true if your course has high definition images or large powerpoint files.

Please be patient and do not try to do the import again if the materials do not immediately display. When the import is complete, you will see a log appear in the logs list with the time/date stamp. You do not have to stay on the page while you wait though - you can navigate away to another course or even log out of Blackboard and return later.




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