Video Assignments

Creating an Assignment with a video prompt:

To embed videos from your My Media media gallery directly in an assignment:

  1. Click on the Edit menu for an existing assignment or create a new assignment.

  2. In the Instructions area, in the text box editor, select the Plug Sign button and then “Kaltura Media”. This will open your Kaltura My Media media gallery.


3. If you have already recorded the video, you can select it from those listed. If you have not, you will need to select “Add New” and then either “Express Capture” (for webcam only) or “Kaltura Capture” for recordings of slide presentations or screen capture.



4. Once you have selected your video or recorded a new video and then selected it, the text box editor will now have a large yellow or gray box where your video will appear. This is normal. Click “Submit” to post your video.


When recording new video, there may be a delay between when you upload and when the video is ready for viewing. If the video is still processing, you will see a message telling you that the video is still processing and you will not be able to play it yet. Depending on the size of the video, it could take up to an hour for your video to appear.

Student Video Submissions:

If you wish to create an assignment (with either text or video prompt):

  1. Click on the Edit menu for an existing assignment or create a new assignment.

  2. Be sure to include in the instructions attached below explaining how students should submit a video using the Kaltura Media tool. If students submit the video as an attachment, you will have to download it before you can view it and it may cause storage space issues in your course. You can provide students with the below attached instructions on how to submit a video assignment (download this file and add to your assignment as an attachment).



©2019 University of St. Augustine for the Health Sciences