Viewing Student Submission Receipts

Faculty can

  1. Go to the Course Management menu below the main course menu and select Full Grade Center.

  2. Select the Reports button and then select “Submission Receipts” from the drop down menu.


  3. On the Submission Receipts page you can filter by user if you are looking for a particular student’s submission by searching by that student’s email address or last name. To display all submission receipts, select “User Name” “Not blank” and then select “Go” (as in the screenshot below).


  4. The resulting table will show you the internal confirmation id number, student, submitter (may be different for group projects), assignment title, date and time the assignment was submitted, submission title, and the file size.

The default options only shows 25 entries per a page. Be sure to use the “Page X of X” buttons (“Jump to page” in screen readers) in the upper and lower right of the table to view additional entries.


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